Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jay's letter 11-16-10

"Wow. One more week down. Me and everyone else in my dsitrict agrees that this week has been the fastest one yet. I learned A LOT this week and, well, lets go in chronological order here (:

Tuesday Night Devotional. Gah, you are not going to believe me but I will say it anyways. Yes, David A. Bednar himself came. It was amazing to say the least. It was one of the bst talks I think I have ever heard in my life. Seriously! Mind Blowing! My fourth Apostle in a row! My teachers are saying that has to be a new MTC record. But most importantly I got to see and here David A. Bednar! My favorite Apostle. He talked about Doctorine, Prinicples, and Applications. How sometimes as missionaries or even members of the church we spend to much time doing the applications. Like making cookies for our home teaching families. Thats great and all but in reality, the best feast is the feast on the words of Christ. He talked about how too often we just do the application, just to operate the church. BUT, if we understood the doctorine behind it (home teaching) and we truly understood it in our hearts, then it would change our life. Enough with the cookies. Hahahaha. But anyways, if you know me well wnough, you know that he is my favorite, so I was more excited I think to hear from him than seeing any concert.

SO, here is an example.

Doctorine (is a truth): Our bodies are gifts from God.
Principle (a guideline from the doctorine): The Word of Wisdom
Application (the action from the Principle): Follow the The Word of Wisdom

So If I had an investigador who had a hard time quitting the smoke, me and my comp could come over every day and pray with him to help him and all we would be doing was an application. No matter what we do, he will probably never understand why and maybe even go back to smoking. BUT, if he understands that Our bodies are temples and gifts, he will understand in his heart and the Holy Ghost will testify of it. It willl change his life and his habits.

Dad, as the bishop I would totally reccomend teaching this to the ward. It makes a huge difference in why we do things in the Church and helps us to change our lives too. The talk was amazing. I have never realized how many times we just do the applications and never take time to point out the doctirine. Dad, I challenge you to look for the doctorine and everything you do. It's amazing. And remember, Docotrine is a simple truth.

Me and my companion have been reading under the Topical Guide all the scriptures under the Life of Christ. It's a long list, but it's amazing. We are reading it in Spanish and it has been quite the adventure. This week I have learned so much about him and his earthly ministry. I still in Jesus the Christ. Let me just say, James E. Talmage is the BOSS. It's soooo good. OH man. And it's true. Even better. Hahaha.

Wow so, thanks for the beautiful package family! I love the shirt, your funny letters and the caramel. I got it just fine and it is so wonderful. Ricola has helped a lot too. Thank You x 100. The pants are great, mom. THanks!

Oh Mom, I got a shot here at the MTC. So, I had to pay 126 Dollars. No Biggie but I sent you an insurance form, and you should be getting that in the mail soon.

I get all you dear elders. Even if you send them to the wrong box, I still get them because they figure it all out. So yeah, the best thing to do is to write questions in a dear elder and I will answer them in my e-mail like I am donig know. (:

SO. The big question about my box number. I told you guys it was box 135 now right? I swear I did. Well, I better say it now. It's now 135. (: Hope that clears everything up.

Dallan wrote me a freaking long letter and sent me a sock with the Argentine Flag on it. Its amazing.

I met a missionary from Villahermosa going to Boise. We talked and it was great!

Alma 5:15-19.

My teacher Hno. Ackerson told us a pretty cool story this week. So, the CIA came to meet with the MTC Presidency. I guess they wanted to know and were willing to probably pay to find out how we get missionaries to speak a different language so fast. They are trying to impliment a new Language Traning Program over there and know how we do it, and wanted our advice. So they told them about how we submerge our missionaries in the language all day and then they ended up giving them a copy of Preach My Gospel Chapter 7, and told them that the real reason that we learn so fast is because the Spirit helps us. Through the guidance of the Spirit and with trust and Faith in the Lord, We can all learn languages super fast. They were really impressed and now I am too with the answer they gave them. Neat story huh? I thought so.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIE. Oh I miss you! I just wanna go hang out with you. Did I hear that you are 16 now??? What? Did someone say HOT DATES? Ow Ow. Go Marie. Make sure to turn down all the weird boys....I know you will. Marie is all grown up now. Tear. Hahahahaha. Just kidding Marie, I'm your older brother and I would not be fulfilling my purpose and duty as a brother had I not made fun of you. And well, you are 16. Ana's going to get it worse when she turns that age. (:

I am loving the MTC. I love this gospel and I know that this church is the church of Christ. I can't believe I have about only three weeks left here, but it is getting really exciting.
Love you all
Elder Valle"

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