Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Leave it to mom

I noticed that mom is my first and only "follower" on the blog. I guess that seems to be true in life about moms. You always can count on them to be interested in their kids even if they are the only ones. Thanks mom! The real reason I am posting is because Ana noticed I hadn't posted and said I should and I asked what I should post about and she said her castanets. So I tried to post but realized I didn't know my own password so I had to get it from Erin. So here I am to tell you that Ana is getting new castanets because she is learning flamenco now. It is pretty cool if I must say so myself. Lets see, not to leave the other kids out, Jay is in the last two weeks of rehearsal for the play he is in and the music teacher tells me he is pretty hilarious in it, so that will be fun to see-he's supposed to be a terrible little troublemaker, so you can see why he got the part. Marie left her MP3 player in her laundry and found out that it really doesn't do too good after it goes through the wash cycle. Dallan is busy getting VISA papers off and just got done with a little bout of Typhoid after taking the live vaccine-how fun!

And me, well you know, I don't really have anything to do at all according to the IRS who sends that cute little summary every year before your birthday that tells you how much you have worked in your adult life. Mine says I haven't worked since I started having babies. Mind you, it doesn't say that you haven't had income or brought in actual money, it just says you haven't worked. Well, that didn't settle well with me because I do remember working just a LITTLE BIT raising FIVE people!!!!!! So I wrote them a letter telling them that they needed to change the wording because semantics mean everything to me in this case. I haven't heard back.

Oh well, that's ok. I'm pretty sure the people who love me know that I didn't quit working 21 years ago. Neither did my mom 45 years ago. She's still a mom. She follows my blog.


  1. i didn't know you wrote them a letter.

  2. Good for you writing a letter! The first day I met Kris' boss he asked if I worked and I said that I was a homemaker to which he said "so you aren't going to work while your husband is here at the embassy?" and you should have seen the look on his wife's face as she beat me to a response. She punched him HARD in the shoulder and said "Louie, she has a real job for [goodness] sake!"

  3. yeah, I've worked at a lot of real jobs and the hardest, most demanding, mind-blowing, most talent requiring real job BY FAR is being a mom.

  4. Yup I agree. I worked an "outside the home" job for a long time before kids and I KNOW which is the harder and more challenging and rewarding of course. That ticks me off to when someone says or implies that you don't work. Kudos to you for writing the letter, wish I had the same guts. Or thought of the idea first! :-)

  5. Slooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww mom here. I got a letter like that Kelly. It scared the begeebies out of me. There certainly are a lot of responses to this blog, which no one but mom follows!!! I always will;} Love, Mom
    P. S. - I actually did make my own 40 qtrs. to have enough to have my own Social Security at age 60. Hot dog salesman at 12 - swimming pool asst. manager, bank sec'y.- laundry manager - church janitor and prop. manager.
    Bill heard me answering this and said "surely you made more than $10 for doing all that work" - men! And I said ten dollars? And he said, well, 40 quarters, same thing. Hummmmm.

  6. I stopped looking at your blog, no new posts, so thank you Ana. I sent the government a letter because Moms who "haven't worked" 5 out of the last 10 years cannot claim disability or receive medicaid if they become disabled before age 65. I guess our work is worthless to some. I could go on all day. I remember you folding laundry with a staff infection in your throat, you couldn't even talk! Nope-not really working.

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