Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So what happened is I sent the first post you see below as an email to a bunch of my friends. Half or more of them came back as "undeliverable" because of all the pictures I think. Meanwhile, my daughter Erin actually received the email, read it and took pity on me and set up this new blog for me as a surprise-with the "clog" below now converted to my first "blog" post. Because she knows I have no time or driving desire to set it up. THANKS, Erin!! So much for my clogging career. Ha! Imagine me, a clogger......ok, just kidding. Don't imagine that.

So that said, I need to explain my new blog title. The Fence. You see I am young enough to enjoy, understand and use technology just fine. However, I also grew up knowing the generation who communicated with each other over the fence while they were watering the lawn or hanging up laundry. And the thing is--I have quite the admiration for it and somehow I am sad that form of communication is gone. Don't get me wrong. I love the whole quick, efficient and multi-tasky email, blog, texting thing going on.... But I miss the fence. I think you knew more about the real person that way. I'm not saying we need to never progress. But we need to remember that we gave something up when we all got automatic sprinklers and computers. So perhaps I'm being nostalgic. I guess this is the new fence.

1 comment:

  1. Nah! The fence isn't gone at all (although I won't be speaking to MY neighbor over the fence EVER the rest of the time we live here just in case he decides to pull his gun on me again) and I look forward to having neighbors again who I can have that face to face communication with. You are right about that being better in some ways. At the same time, since I didn't grow up in the same place all my life I sure enjoy this way of keeping in touch especially with my family. Hmmmm, I wonder if the old fogies thought the same thing when the telephone came around? I guess blogging, e-mail, texting is as personal as the person wants to make it. I can't stand texting though...the typos and shortcuts bug the crap out of me so it takes me forever to send a properly written text message...and then my silly nieces make fun of me.
