Monday, September 3, 2012


 know you guys are all excited to see me, but calm down. i still have five weeks to baptize people....tranquilo. jaja.
okay, this week was especially good for san rafael. i have never felt so on top of everything and so obedient that i can start counting the blessing left and right. so we went down to mendoza this week to go to the zone leader conference (about twenty of us) and we were on of the only two zone to meet the goal and the only one to break the goal! it was way exciting. i definitly feel like everything that i have been doing differently and all the changes in the zone have defintily helped the zone. i will always be in debt to my Heavenly Father for blessing us with good ideas and the baptisms that we had. it was good. so anyways, before we had gone down to the mission meeting, presidente ávila called me and we talked for a little bit and said something like this:  "elder valle, we have seen a huge improvement in san rafael over the last few months, and basically whats happening in the your zone, we want to happen in the whole mission. so, we are going to give you time in consejo to give a little presentation about the things you are doing and tell us what zone leaders can do to have successfull zones and have happy elders and sisters". i tried to not let the compliment go to my head, so i agreed and started thinking. i was so happy that someone was finally seeing the fruits of all my ideas and recognizing the changes we have made in san rafael. i was so happy. i kinda said a little prayer and thanked my Heavenly Father for the help. so on friday, in mendoza i gave a presentation about all the "marketing" stuff ive been doing to get the zone pumped. i talked about using the district leaders and the slogans and the zone calendar...just new ideas that worked in san rafael. i don´t like attention, but i had no problem giving out ideas on how to help the work of the Lord move forward. it´s the best work there is. so, it was cool (: it was a good friday. then we ate tacos. it feels weird knowing that my group is the next one to leave.
the flia. herrero is doing good. they are having a hard time getting to church and keeping comittments, so keep praying for them. our amazing investigator sent us a text message this morning that says...." les cuento una gran noticia o más bien, un milagro de Dios...maxi mi hijo se quiere bautizar en nuestra iglesia con mí mama". me and my comp were in the bank taking out money and he wouldnt let me see the text message until we left the bank because he knew i would scream and look weird in front of everyone. thanks elder wixom. haha. but yeah, we are super excited! and she sent us another text a little bit ago about inviting her freidn sonia to start hearing the lessons in her house. she is more of a missionary than all of them members combined. she is on fire, if she could get baptize right now, she totally would. so we are fasting and praying and working with her so that she can help us find more people to teach and she takes the missionary work so seriously.
we are doing good. i am still trying to figure what to buy you guys for recuerdos. if anyone wants alpargatas, you must send me your argentine shoes size, si no, no tendrás. ja. so get on it. also, i love you guys. i´m not trunky. i have never been so obedient before. not that i´m disobedient. but there are little things and to the book things that i have been better at. it feels great. i can defintly count all the blessing of doing so. thanks for everything. miss you guys.
elder valle.

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