Thursday, September 13, 2012


Dear Family,
One month left...yeah, i know. It still have lots to do, so be patient. Haha.
Cool, I am glad that the arrangments are made for my royal return. ha.
things are going great down here in san rafael. we are still super focused on baptizing and meeting aour goal again...we the people to do it, but the missionaries are going to have to work extra hard to get it! the good thing is, we have all the missionaries on our side, wanting to win too. many times in many other zones, the missionaries don´t like the zone leaders just becaus they want the goal so much, but after lots of work, we have been able to get lots of the missionaries just as excited as we are and i hate knowing that i´m going to leave an area right when all the missionaries start doing what many zone leaders wish their zones would do. its great though.
Weve had to drop the Herrero family, just because they are getting a little cold to the message and not receiveing us that often. so, we might give them a shot in another time...we will go by today, to see if they really in it to win it or not.
the rededication of the buenos aires temple was great. the cultural celebration was spectacular and the rededication was great convert eliza, went and got the card to go, so did walter vaness and many more for sure (: good feeling. i will send more pictures, later.

i find myself battling with two feelings constantly, in my few weeks left in mendoza:
1: i am kinda nervous to come home. not because i´m not ready to go home, mainly for the reason of having to live like i did before or maybe even take on new tasks like...yeah, big decision stuff. i guess i don´t feel like the "returned missionary macho man" that mom always refers to...haha. when you come home, you are a man. maybe, i will just have to see what it´s like coming home. i try not to think about it, but it´s natural when you start putting baptismal dates for october 13th...oh wait, i´ll be home....(WEIRD).
2: i´m going to miss this place too much. i love being with the members of the argentine wards and branches. there are so many people that i wish i could bring with me to the states. we would just sit and talk all day about old experiences and eat asado and drink mate. yes. so. i´m going to miss so many people here. my converts from guaymallen and the cabrera family are planning on coming to the airport to mendoza to say goodbye, we will see if thats possible. i hope so. i would die to come back to chile (because thats the closest temple) to see when vanessa and walter get sealed...that would be the best (: who knows if it´s possible. anyways. i hope you guys all have a great week and keep being great at your callings and being super strong in the church (:
elder valle.

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