Thursday, February 2, 2012


well, we got transfers and it looks like a staying here another transfer. as long, as i am where the Lord wants me, i am happy (: you know? i just only want to do what the lord expects. this week we had a HUGE hail storm. it hailed golf balls and did damgae to a ton of motorcycles....everyone has motorcycles here instead of cars. erveryone is pretty upset and a lot of people don´t get insurance becuase it is super expensive. lukily we were not outside tracting or anything....hahahaha. we were in the house of of a member doing a FHE with our investigator angelita. when angelita heard the hail, she started to cry because all of her plants that she takes care of, were outside as well. so being super sweet young men, we ran out to her house in the middle of the gold ball sized hail and we opened her door and started shuffling all the plants inside.

and then when we tried to close the door we couldn´t because in the short few minutes it was hailing, it had created ice blocks on all the hinges of her doors. so i grabbed the broom and broke all the ice off, and then had to shut it. anyways....that was super interesting. she was crying a little bit, because her plants are like her kids. seriously, even a couple days after the storm she told us she was going through a hard time...hahaha. cutest little old lady ever. anyways, she wants to get baptized, but she thinks she is taking it way to fast. she loves everything and she is just waiting to get baptized when she feels the need to do it. so, it´s interesting. pray that she makes the decision soon though. she needs the gift of the holy ghost. anyways. so, we are feeling pretty good. with the new transfer i hope for a lot of things. so we will see.
we worked a lot with members this week too. we had ten charlas with member, and every charla was with a different member. sick right? anyways, that was preatty cool. one of the guys we took out used to be a preacher but now he is a member. so the way he prays and teaches is a little preacher ish. but its all least he teaches the right doctorine. other members didn´t really know what to do, so it was a little different. hahaha. we had to help them out. my lips are getting SUPER chapped but i bought chap stick so thats ok. anyways (: love you guys! take care.
elder valle.

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