Tuesday, January 17, 2012


hey guys!
i will try to send all the photos i have ready, chat with you guys and write an email all at the same time. anyways...our week was good. it felt a lot like last week. i think lately i have really devoloped a talent for pacience. the kinda of things that are happening i think would have normally frustrated me. and i am pretty pacient. i feel like i have learned a lot more of the purpose of life and accepting what happens for a reason. i must have gotten that from dad because he has always been a huge example in reverence and pacience for me. my suepr hero! anyways, this week we found some great new people. i feel like the peoploe we are finding and teaching are so different from the people we had in san juan! it´s like...they understand everything we are teaching to them, but it just doesn´t matter or it´s not a big deal, you know what i mean we found this amazing family who actually had talked to the missioanries before. we explained a lot to them abotu baptism and how it should be done and when...they understood everything. they committed to being baptized the 28th and we did everything to get them to church on sunday and they didn´t come. it is kind of a long story....anyways. so that ruined some things however this little old lady named angelita came to church. and she said she LOVED it and that she felt this peace like she had never felt before. we tried to help her recognize on sunday evening that that was the holy ghost telling her that she shoud be here in the church (and get baptized) hahaha. she is the sweetest old lady. she invited us to her garden which is super big and told us to come get food when we need some (talk about charity!) awesome lady. keep her in your prayers. she lives alone but latley she has become amazing friends of her nieghboors who are members. so, you can imagine she has a lot of contact with the church.

we are starting to make a huge weekly calendar, me and my comp of when the members are available to leave with us (trying to work better with members). we are hoping to have every member tell us when they are normally available during the week to go and visit people. hopefully when we get everyone on board, there will always be someone available. there are like half of our area who is signed for weekday from 6 - 8....haha, no one can go in the morning...one little prbblem we didn´t see coming. haha. anyways, so you can probably imagine how much we are working. the sun itself just makes you tired. you don´t have to do anything, you just lay yourself out under the sun and it sucks all the energy out of you...haha. anyways, . that´s fun (:

this morning me and my comp decided to go to a lake and have an american bbq. it didn´t really turn out as we liked but we made it work and it was super fun.
we roasted hot dogs and used this super weird ketchup we bought in centro san luis. we also skipped rocks and had to make a fire using the wood we had around us. hahaha. super fun.
anyawys. it was pretty good, but now i am just super tired...but i love it. at this time in the mission it is hard to keep up the speed and the energy that you once had being a new missionary. haha. but i am still getting up on time and being obeident. my exercises are becoming more like stretch and meditation routine....that has got to change. haha. this week is zone conference...we shall see what happens (: we are working hard and it seems like we are planting many seeds. so. you know how it goes (: haha. anyways, thanks for everythign family. photos to come (:
un abrazo,
elder jay valle.

1 comment:

  1. I read all of Jay's posts on your blog. Haven't been commenting lately. But this picture and the story of the lady with the garden she shares really touched my heart. Thanks for all the work on your blog Kelly. Good stuff. Mom:).
