Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jay's Letter 7-18-11

with Elder Menoncal

Hey guys,
Well, to be hoenst, not too many exciting things happened this week in Argentina. I am going to attempt to write my best here to make things exciting and fun to read (:
Can´t believe Ana turned 14. Holy freak, I was just talking to Erin about our grown up family. Haha, and Ana is going to stake dances. Tell her to write me if she ever gets asked to dance. Hahahaha, just kidding. So mean. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ana and Erin. Sorry i could not send you guys anything way sweet.
It´s getting pretty weird weather wise down here. We wake up freezing cold and I just want to put on two sweaters and thick socks and sit next to a heater. Then, as the sun comes out, I feel like I could easily pull off a short sleeve shirt and do the missionary work like that. So, needless to say, mother nature is bi-polar down here in San Juan. The best way to do things is to go out with a short sleeve shirt with a sweater over it (: That´s the best way I have found to keep up with the weather here.
Hahaha, so thanks for the package. Everything was great and I had a fun time looking at the graduation announcments. Made me laugh looking at Lexi´s. It was so her. It also reminded of working at copies plus, and making grad announcments for Jose. Remember that? Those looked sooo good. We did a great job (: Anyways, thanks for that. Way fun stuff to read and look at. The garments fit like a charm.
I remember Mom always trying to get us to drink powdered milk, and we never did. I don´t know why, because now in the mission it´s like the best thing ever! I don´t know if it´s super cheap out the states, but down here it´s a pretty good deal and mixed with cereal it does pretty good. I think I will try to convert my self to powdered milk when I get back.
Well, we had lunch with the Bishop yesterday, and the Bishops wife made a waaaayyy good soup thing. The coolest thing is that she used hardly any meat, but it was so delicious. Reminded me of Mom´s cooking. Mmmm. Anyways, they were talking about how their son, Marcos ws misbehaving. How the more he mis behaved the less things he could have. He is coming up on his sixth birthday and they told him that if he was misbehaving in church they would take away his brithday party. He supposivley didn´t do to good and they are not letting him have his birthday party, but will make a cake. Okay, so why would I be telling you this story? It made me think alot about our Heavenly Father and us, here on earth. The parents, obviously hurt that they couldn´t give his son the birthday party, if anything, they really wanted to. But, they knew that he would learn/recieve something better, by taking away the party and that it would serve him in the long run. Sometimes, when we don´t repent or disobey, Heavenly Father takes away blessing. In reality, he wants those blessing (or "birthday parties") for us sooo bad, but he knows better and won´t because he knows that we will learn something from it. Interesting thought I had yesterday while eating with the Familia Alvarez. Good family.
Me and my comp, we saw a robbery the other day. We were on the bus coming back from Centro, and when the bus stopped I just heard all these screams and saw a kid out the windows of the bus running full speed with a purse. It was so surreal, it was like I had been caught in a movie and didn´t know what they heck to do. Couldn´t really do much.
We found some sweet people this week, but we are working on other things first so we can get along with the work (: Thanks for all your prayers and everything. I love you all. Happy Brithday Ana and Erin! You guys are way old (: hahaha.
Love,Elder Valle

with Zone Leader, Elder Burns

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jay's Letter 7/11/11

Hello Family,

Not tooo much happened here in Albardon this week. The biggest news is that they changed the prices of the buses to 4 pesos! So that´s killing our budget a little but, we are survivng and becoming good friends with the mission accountant getting some reembolsos here and there. OH and we did have....INDEPENDANCE DAY here in Argentina. Needless to say that everyone takes holidays as a day to not work, and they don´t celebrate too much to be quite frank. So I woke up and I was heading near the back of our apartment to go take my shower after I had a very sweet, low key work out. And when you head to the shower you have to pass by the back door that has a glass window. I was walking past the door and saw this huge flash as if an UFO had just landed in our backyard, curious as could be I opened it up and BOOM! something exploded because the sound was so loud...wasn´t quite sure what it was but I swear someone had just shot a gun....that made flashes...or something. Well, it happened again and then I saw a firework two, and then I got it. Our neighboors were doing huge fireworks at seven in the morning and it was 9 de Julio, and so of course, fireworks were a must. I felt it was a pretty fitting introduction to the all the fireworks that we saw the following day. Nothing like the 4th of July, really. But good enough.
We met a new investigator who came to church this week. Her name is Ana. She got in this huge motorcycle accident and it kinda damaged her head, and so she doesn´t have a ton of hair. She wears all kinds of funny hats to cover her head and she is a way nice lady. The only thing is that when we talk to her, its way hard because she talks about the most random thing and talks about it forever (common thing in San Juan, the people here are like that). For example, when we went to go pick her up for church, she wanted to sit down and talk about her chickens and how they were fighting with the neighboors dogs, and we were already pretty late for church. Luckily, we had one of the high council members with us who is a San Juanero himself, and cut her off and said "We have to". OH man. Sometimes, as missionaries, it´s hard to be firm with people, but to cut people off, it´s just a tough situation. So, pray for Ana because she doesn´t have a testimony yet and needs to hear the truth. We hope and pray for her progression.
Well, this morning all us missionaries in San Juan went to Centro to meet.......Presidente Avila. Oh MAN! He is just a BOSS! He is waay cool. We also met his wife. Okay, just one cool cosita. A couple days ago was my companions birthday, Elder Williams. She just got a her a couple weeks ago, and this is the first time we have ever met the Hermana. We were all in a line doing the hand shake, mucho gusto, big smile, chest out, clean cut missionary thing. She came to Elder Williams, Shook his hand, and right as she was moving on, she short stopped her self put her eyes back on williams, and said "oh yeah, happy late birthday elder williams". Oh man! What a sweet hermana right? We were a little freaked out about how she remembers all that but it was way cool. He talked about some waaay cool things, and knowing that was an ex area seventy just makes him way cool. Him and Lindahl are both big bosses, but in their different ways. Lindahl just makes money and gets work done and complete. Avila just smiles and gets whatever he wants and explains spiritual truths and doctorine so simply, it almost blows your mind.
Me and my comp are starting to run 3 miles for our exersices. could tell it had been a while since I slipped in my Nikes. We have to get out pretty early, and so we are just freezing. My left side that doesn´t sweat was just searing cold. My blood in my fingers might have had to been defrosted, but we will see how it goes! i am trying to get back in shape...have a little stomach going on. I bought Brocolli and carrots. Should be good.
The mcdonalds probably didn´t help. OH MOM! I also found Cilantro here!!!!! PLEASE SEND me your salsa recipe, but make it easy to understand. I am dying to eat salsa. biggest food i am missing right now. I wanna make it. so, your homeade fresh salse recipie please (:

I love being a missionary to be honest. This is not only such an enriching exprience, but it is wicked fun. Me and my comp talk to the weirdest people and we have bad tiem and good times, and every day you learn something new. i was talking with my comp last night, that how before the mission,I probably didn´t have too many ganas (what is ganas in english?) to read church books or much of the old testament or read the bible dictionary for fun. now, I am just dying to read hinkcley biography and talmage stuff. it´s great what the lord blesses you with being his missionary.

I got your package, but I have not opened it (: Just got it like an hour ago. When the president came and they brought mail to all of us. Way nice (: (: well, I hope you all are having great summer days in Nampa. I thank you guys for everything.
Love, Elder Valle

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jay's Letter- 7/4/11

Well, needless to say, crazy stuff has happened and is happening here in San Juan. Transfers is today and we found out that me and Elder Williams are staying together in the same area. We were both shocked because President Lindahl promised to move us...I guess, we really need a change. To be honest, me and my comp talked and we really don´t see how things are going to work out with us and six more weeks. We have respected each other for the last transfer, but being together for the next six weeks could cause some, we will see if we actually stay together. Pray for me and for him, so that if we do, we can get things done. I don´t want to write anything bad or mean, because we both struggle in different areas, and so we are hoping God can help us in his work.

Talking about crazy stuff...right now is the Copa De America! Everyone in South America and Mexico (and Japan got invited) are playing in this huge cup...and guess´s in Argentina!!! Crazy! So, what happens is all the teams play but the play on soccer fields that are all throughout Argentina. It started on Saturday with Argentina and Bolivia and Messi didn´t do a good job apparently. Hahaha, and that took place in Mar de Plata in Buenos Aires. The second game is Chile vs. Mexico...and you won´t believe where it takes place! San Juan! I know right? We are not going down today because we have lots of stuff to do, but the other elders called us and told us that there were just a ton of Chileans and Mexicans in Centro today and that everyone was going crazy. I guess we will see who wins, but it´s like a mini world cup and it´s actually way fun having it around. And people don´t lie when they say that Argentina goes crazy when they are playing. Like...don´t you dare knock a door, because who knows when Messi is going to make a goal right? I wish the states were playing. That´s ok (:

Me and my comp did some research via members and figured out that Messi is a little bit taller than I am. We were hoping super bad that I would be the same heights...but, that´s ok. He has a couple inches on top of me, but whatever.
We realized that in every part of the world, there are different callings that Bishops can give. For example...In Idaho, Orchard Organizer and Girl Camp Organizer, while in the Philipines...there is probably the bamboo safety leader and mens spear hunting ward specializer. We realized that while us in the states share gardens that in Argentina people share Animals. For example, in our ward a while ago, they got everyone chickens so that people could be self sufficient. They had the choice to kill it and make food or let it make eggs. Then they designated one of the ward members to have the male chicken or rooster or whatever and he would go around getting the hens pregnant so that they could make eggs or something. We realized that this is how the sacrament meeting would go...
"It is proposed that we sustain Hermano. Juan Flores as the Ward Poultry Fertility Specialist...all in favor. Any oppose?" And then the ward would have something to talk about before church starts. Just a thought.
OH man....President Lindahl is gone. WEIRD. I didn´t even know what to do with myself. President Avila is now in place and it´s weird having a President you don´t know. So we don´t really know what to expect or when we will meet him, because we live rather far from the offices. If anything crazy changes I will let you know.
So now that the Boise, ID Temple is closed...Dallan, can´t get married any time soon right? Thought so. Perfect (:
Sorry I don´t have anything way sick to talk about today, I guess I am just pretty weirded out about transfers and stuff. I hope you are all doign well in the 28606 (that´s still our zip code right?) Have a great week.

Elder Valle
p.s. having dreams where we eat mexican food. oh, it´s just so lovely.