Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dallan's Letter 5-9-11

Hey everyone,

It`s kind of weird knowing that I`ll be sending only three more letters home to you guys… Kind of get all teary eyed thinking about it, but I`m happy to see everyone soon. This week we had the baptism of Cristobal!!! What an awesome guy, it was so fun teaching him. He had to overcome a lot of things to get baptized but he did it!!! Actually he decided on Thursday that he wanted to get baptized so we had to pull together a baptismal service super fast but it was super fun and super special. He actually speaks really good English so it was fun practicing my English with him.

It rained this week and then it got super hot and then it rained and then it got super hot… man it was like being in a steam pot this week. But the good thing is that we got to be in an air conditioned room for a couple days while we had the zone council. It was a neat experience and very uplifting. Just what I needed. Last zone council…. Crazy. It`s kind of weird thinking that I won`t go to another one. But oh well.

Well I wish that I could write a super big letter but I got to take care of some stuff for the zone as always. Don`t worry. I`ll tell everyone in person soon.

Oh…. I forgot something…. HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY!!!!!!! To all my aunt`s to my sister, to all the sister in the ward and stake and every other person that`s a mom and of course to my own personal mom who I love dearly. It was so much fun talking to you ma.

Hope everyone has a good day. Hope you like the photos.

Love Elder Dallan Valle