Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jay's letter 4-18-11

Baptism of Monica. Sweet lady

good week this week. because.....BOOM! WE WON! that´s right. yours truly and his son, elder rios won the competition. i think we are getting the jersy´s tonight should be good. well im staying here in municpal for six more week. where i like it. so yeah, should be my last six weeks here, but we will see. i still have elder rios and we are still working with him. has a little bit of pride, but with time he will learn (: haha

this week we had the baptism of fabian.
he is a really cool kid 17 years and he is so so so interested in the book of mormon. he always asks me who is who. and i think he might read the whole thing if he has time. he is the only one in his family that knows how to read. he is having a great time being a member of the church. real stud. he had long hair and so we took him to get his hair cut the morning of his baptism by a member who cuts hair and she did it for free. it was super fun.

i made chicken fajiats again. sounds like you guys had fun this week! with holly! wow. i got a good letter from her a while back. sounds like you guys are keeping busy with the office. some things happened this week. oh my gosh, the members love us. we are starting to baptize people and the members are giving us so much. what we have recieved fro members.

lots of pizza.
a cake.
like...50 pounds of vegetable to eat. no joke.
paps fritas.
dinners! (it´s like inviting the missionaries over for two meals) we try to avoid this one.
more food to eat.
free haircuts.

i don´t know what happened but me and elder rios are working our butts off and i think the rama is recognizing it. and we have a sweeeeet relationship with the presidente de rama ahora. and so, we are really bombing this place. the relief society is amazing. they are giving our converts clothes and giving them more oppurtunities to work. it´s super fun. i wish you guys could meet my rama. they are a fun group.

this week we ran into this crazy guy who told us that joseph smith was crazy and that all we want was his money. it´s was pretty funny actually. i told him thank you. and he started to walk off and then he came running back in did it all over again. and then i said, gracias, again. he walked away and came back. he did it liek 15 times. oh it was so funny (: he pounded his chest like tarzan. poor guy. i feel bad, but he was drinking a ton.

i´m hoping that we can find more new people to teach. i am kinda sad that pred. lindahl is leaving that guy is so powerful and so strong. probably the richest guy i have met in my life too. but way humble and powerful. good week out here in argentina. i hope everything is going alright with you guys. i am going to work with pictures. my new camera is really quite nice. i enjoy it. thanks (: i love you guys. read your scriptures. you will recieve personal revelation and all the rules to win in this life if you open up the words of the prophets. also, say your prayers. your relationship with god will make you so much more confident and happier. have a great week. (:
Elder Valle

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