Monday, October 1, 2012


The Last Letter
Chapel in Salto de las Rosas where Elder Valle worked last week
hello family,
well mom´s letter almost made me cry in front of my computer screen. but yeah, it has been a great week. we have seen lots of improvements in the zone and we got the highest amount of people contacted this week in the whole mission. it was one of the best weeks of my mission for sure. this week is full of conferences and general, i won´t be doing a lot of street preaching this week ): but thats okay.
 Visit to Salto de las Rosas where the missionaries ride bikes.
i feel so good about my mission. about a week ago, i was thinking about all the people i have been able to help baptize and confirm. the Lord really does bless us too much sometimes. i was praying the other day for all of them and felt a beautiful spiritual confirmation from the Spirit that my Heavenly Father had been pleased with my service. i can´t even say that i did all of it, mainly because without the spirit it would be impossible. i am dying inside knowing i will have to leave the faces off all the people i have taught. today i get to go visit some people in mendoza with my comp and say goodbye for the last time.
Goodbye dinner given my members
 i´m so nervous about living in the states again. i have grown to love my parents for all their decisions they have made to get me where i am now. i understand everything they have to tried to teach me now. a lot of things make sense and i think that i will be hard to not think they are the perfect parents for me. i will miss mendoza more than i can say, but i know i will have to come back some day.
This is the very super fun gospel principles class. This group of ladies are all like best friends and sometimes its hard to teach because they love talking and... yeah. there is eliza the recent convert, roxanna the reactived single mom who is now a crazy good missionary, jacky the amazing eternal investigator i found...only eternal investigator because she isnt married yet. its hard to do that out here, sister mesa...the other reactived less active girl.
 it gets me teary even having to write this right now...but yeah. i am excited to see you guys, don´t get me wrong. i think every smell, sound,area, apartment and spanish words have come to be somewhat sacred in one sense. it has been my way of preaching the gospel for two years. i can´t imagine doing it any other way. i am going to do my best to pay off the debt that i am in with my Heavenly Father for this experience. We all owe him more obedience than we think but i know that i have the family and friends to help me do so. I love you guys, i can´t wait to see you! Have a great week!
Elder Valle

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