Monday, April 9, 2012

Good week out here in Santa Ana (Saint Ana). Haha, I thought Ana would get a kick out of that. How is everyone? Man, we had a good week and are still trying super hard to find the kind of family and people we want. Sometimes I can get greedy because I just want a gold family to be easy, and that is not how the mission work is. Pray for us, to find the family that we need. Me and Rios are both machines in the mission and together we should baptize "a full", (as they say here in Argentina), but nothing is happening. So we will see what happens. Mom, the hopstial joke was an April Fools joke. Hahaha.
Everyone took the Semana Santa this week. annoying.

1) Everything is closed.

2) No meat eating ( empanadas and fish salads....gross)

3) People don´t even know what Easter is all it was interesting. We were having a hard time.

Other than that is was great. We found two good families...not amazing, but they were cool. The mom in the end of her prayer asked God to help her understand what we were was so sweet and sincere but at the same time it was super funny. Ha! My spanish is getting kinda funky lately because elder rios talks like a colombian and uses super weird weirds. hahaha. but its fun.

My zone is doing alright...we kinds freak out when there are no people to baptize to meet the monthly goals. We MUST meet the goal. I want to be a zone leader who meets me and my comp are thinking of lots of ideas to make things happen. This week one lady thought i was 17 years old. Crap....I only have six months left. better get my excerces going (:
i took of bunch of pictures of our house this week and thought you guys might enjoy them. it was BEFORE we cleaned it...i don´t judge. haha. I love you guys. Every week seems to keep being the same. email me interesting questions. Thanks for everything. Love you guys, enjoy the pictures when i get them sent (if i can). haha (: Love,
Elder Jay Valle

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