Monday, March 26, 2012


Hello Family,
we had a pretty good week here in guaymallén.
we met our baptismal goal! the zone her in guaymallen was struggling to maintain a steady baptism rate and we are doing it. me and rios are getting a long great, and we almost didnt have a ton of time in our own area to go out and work. we have been in other areas doin baptismal interviews and making sure that people are getting baptized without delay.

oneday we showed up to do the interview and the family was like...yeah...he wont get baptized today. we want to buy him a little suit it might be a couple weeks before we can buy him a suit and so we don´t know when it will be. (NO!) so i was acting all calm and i was like...yeah,´s okay. he doesn´t need a suit to get baptized...(this was in another area obviously) and i had to convince her that sacred things are simple. just like the birth of jesus christ in a manger. was´nt super easy...but the kid got baptized and confirmed (: haha.

the mission is out of books of mormons! can you believe it? for some reason like, the president of argentina isn´t letting them in...or there is some big importing problem for published books or something. i can´t, it´s pretty crazy. me and my comp were thinking about making copies of the best chapters, and using that for a little bit, but that can be costy because foto copies are kinda expensive down here. anyways...a little bit of a problem. keep that in your prayers that everything can come out well and we can start getting books of mormon back into mendoza.

tomorrow i have consejo and so i have to keep my hair nice and combed and shoes shines. it should be exciting. it´s good going to consejo knowing you reached your baptismal goal. yay. peace and security. haha.

it´s the fiftieth aniversiary of the first stake in mendoza! crazy! and now there are lots. thirteen. so yeah, that´s cool. there was some big clebration thing and elder arnold of the seventy came...but we couldn´t go. and we were super close too! bummer. but, it´s all cool.

we had interviews with president avila this week. it was a little fast because he was running short on time...but yeah, he made some good comments and is happy with my work. that makes me feel good.

i got super sick this week! i had a nasty cold and even though i still left every day to work, i always had like half a roll of toilet paper with me to keep my nose clear so i could even talk. talk about frustrating.

me and my comp are doing good. we are looking super hard for people to baptize and we don´t have a lot of good people to be teaching, i think i will have to have a ton of faith this wek trusting the Lord that he will help us (: I bet you are all stoked for general conference. thanks for choosing to go without me. haha. just kidding. anyways. i am gonna check out, but have fun with all the families and send me lots of fun pictures. i miss all of you and hope that the prophet gives us good council like always. haha.
anyways, if you guys have any question just ask. i am sure enjoying all the ranch with broccoli and carrots! MMMMM.
Elder Jay Valle

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