Monday, March 12, 2012


Hello Family,

hey, got my new area, i am leaving to guaymallen (close to mendoza) to be zone leader with elder son! i trained him! and so now i will go back and be comps with on of my old comps. crazy studd right? president called me and told me about transfers and told me that i would be going up and congratulated me. (i´m not bragging...just interesting facts), but, i am the first one in whole group to go up as zone leader. not that it as anything to do with me, but i was just glad to hear that. president avila is a great guy, so i hope that i can do a good job as a zone leader.

this week was pretty good. we found a menos activo family to teach. the mom is a member and she is way sick! she speaks super good english and loves american food. get this...our second visit in the house she was like....i made a treat for you guys! and she came out with PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES. okay, so number one...peanut butter is definitly super super rare our here, and cookies just don´t exist. so, like...she told us she makes homeade peanut butter with her food proccesor and then made us cookies because she knows how much the mormon missionaries like them. hahaha, we ate all ten of them. super good stuff. her husband is not a member, but he is super sweet and came to church this week too! we were super excited. i hope he felt somewhat of the spirit there and was able to get along with the members. we had 67 at church this week! (: good numbers for la punta! we are on the brink of getting our ward and our chapel....what an exciting time to have to leave this area, but i feel like in the four and a half months that i have been here, a lot of progress has been made. even though i have only had four baptisms in la punta, all of them are very strong members and jsut this last sunday, my convert, fernando got the aaronic priesthood and is preparing to get the Melqesidec (i forgot how to spell that in english). Angelita is as active as ever and Agustin is still going to church in his shirt and tie. It feels good leaving the area, knowing they will go on with me holding their hands and being able to say goodbye to them today and tomorrow. i will get to my new area on wednesday. crazy stuff. anyways.

I will try to get pictures to you guys. our ward had a a huge empanade party after church on sunday , because we church in the house. it was so fun. me and my comp made desert empandas....everyone was scared to try them...but it was great. then they made me and my comp have a juice drinking contest. my comp one. with eight glasses of juice. i love our ward (:

Hvae a great week guys, photos to come (:

Elder Jay Valle

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