Monday, February 27, 2012


my letter might be a short one, seeing that i need to run to catch a bus to mendoza. angelita accepted a fecha for this weekend! be praying that she can have the faith to get baptized a member of the church. she is a great lady, and so we will be all over the place trying to get her baptized. we were super excited when she accepted fecha! it took us a while, but i have no doubt she will be a strong, active, temple endowed member, so getting her on her path is very important. i love what mom said in her letter this week, about keeping them active. this week, agustin (the last weeks baptism) walked all the way to church with a book of mormon in his hand, with his white shirt and tie, and the invited a friend and got up on time to be able to do it. i am amazed. amazing kids and you can definitly tell when the spirit is working with them to be obedient children of God. it was great to see him get to church and be able to keep his baptismal covenants. proud of that dude.

it was also cool because we had church in la punta this week and it was in the house. the stake president came and it was a pretty big deal, seeing that we are only 46 people strong. we are shooting for seventy and he came and talked to me and my comp and the priesthood leaders about setting goals for growth in la punta. he gave a great talk about i love the strong members down here. they are incredible.

well, last week i was talking about getting those three people baptized, and we got two baptized. i had to make a lot of calls to bishops and a few emergency divisions, but it was worth it and everyone is my district baptized. it was a good weekend. thanks for the prayer, sister pence! haha. that is super funny. i love you guys, wish me luck this week and pray for angelita. you guys are the best.

love elder valle.

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