Wednesday, February 15, 2012


hey, tomorrow is valentines, i won´t try to get all mushy on you guys. hahaha. just kidding.

week was good and we worked pretty hard. i feel like i am gaining the trust better of my district. it´s hard to be a leader sometimes because if they don´t like you, they won´t follow you. gaining trust is hard to get and easy to loose. so, this whole last transfer i focused on obviously leading and baptizing but also trying to gain their trust. especially with the hermanas....whew! on of them is 33, so it´s hard to get them to follow a 20 year old boy. anyways....everything is going good. today i thought i would write you guys about some funny stuff that happens here in argentina.

1) mowing machines...don´t exist. weed eaters...yes, the do exist. if there is a huge park or a soccer field...they don´t have mowers to do it. they get seven to ten men and hook them up with weed eaters. then they each area assigned an area to chop and then seven or ten men are behind them with rakes. it´s insane. where i live we had to get our lawn we had to pay this one dude 30 pesos to cut our lawn with his big weed eater. super funny....i wish i could show them what they have been missing out on.

2) i can´t believe i havent´told you guys about this yet. okay, so here, toilet paper exist...but it´s not the most common thing either. so like next to the toilet they have this thing called the bede. it is like the other toilet but it shoots out this pressurized stream of water that cleans you off and then you fry off with a towel. it´s super weird. haha. but anyways, i am pretty used to it. it´s not my favorite but it´s definitly cheaper than toilet paper. sorry...weird comments.

i got your christmas letter! it was great. I was DYING of LAUGHTER when i saw the calendar. who drew the family on paint? that was suuuper funny (: i have it up on my desk. my comp though it was pretty funny. penny just looks like a little woman and there are only two colors....brown and black. hahaha.. oh man....what a great gift. good job on the christmas letter was an exciting year.

looks like we have a baptism of agustin this weekend (oh man...after two transfers of trying)...and it should be good. be praying for him and his family.

the other day the jehovas witnesses knocked our door. it was soon made obvious that i was mormon....(white, bad accent, white shirt and tie) and they started talking to us about how we should only read the bible. i went and grabbed a BOM to give out, and read 2Nephi 29 with them ( io hope thats right) and we talked about that. I gave the the BOM and who knows if they will read it. The convo didn´t get heated but it was definitly a fun talk and might have gotten a little defensive. but, that´s okay (: the holy ghost is the best teacher.

i had an hermana sew all my socks back up. that was super nice (:

it was a good week i hope you guys are having a great week (: i am doing great. thanks for everythign (:

take care,
elder valle

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