Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Cabrera Family
Jay baptized this family last year and they continue to stay in touch with him.
They traveled to Santiago, Chile recently to be sealed in the temple.

fourth of july.
being a zone leader.
finding people.
people coming to church.

in that order i shal write (:

fourth of july in argentina in the freezing cold and we decided to try to make hambuyrgers over the grill. bad idea. two of them fell through the grill and they were kinda raw. we made french fries and burgers and tried to have a normal american dinner but it wasn´t the same. i think iwill stick with empanadas and asados til i have to go back home. we sang the national anthem, and even though wehave a chilean living with us in the pench, he was super cool about it. it was a good day. elder lounsbury bought some bbq sauce from super vea from the imported section and may or may not have spent too much money (: haha.

this week we had some seirous disobedience going down in the zone. oh pucha. so we wasted our wednesday going to other areas, talking with bishops, doing interviews one on one, calling president and we couldnt work in our are that whole day. it sucks when things get in the way of the work of the lord. ug. but thats what being a leader is about. i realized that one of my many wekanesses is telling people (when they don´t like it) what they need to do and must do, without coming off as a complete ignorante. anyways. that was a tough deal...we fixed some things, but president is coming to san rafael this wednesday. he will probably help a lot of things out. (: yay. thanks for an awesome mission president.

we found some great people this wek. we found a family of this (rich) well off family. the mom, jackie and her kids are the ones looking for the right church. the dad doesnt believe in god, but that isnt the problem. it´s that he own some insurance companies and he is always outside of the house. anyways...they have four cars and two companies (whew!). its super different teachign them. obviously the message is the same, but being humble has a big key in the influence of the holy ghost in peoples lives. they are great! and she came to church too.

jacki came to church and so did eric sosa, this kid that never came to church. when we invited them on thursday, the committment wasn´t very assuring, but they actually came. me and my comp high fived eachother and hugged when we saw them, from the glass windows, walking to enter the church building. good moment!

there was a little bit of snow down here this week. it is freaking cold and i made some more gravy this week to eat with the french fries. haha so thanks. this week we have zone conference and i shall be one busy bee. love you guys, hope you have a great week! (:
love, elder valle.

Monday, July 2, 2012


With Elder Burns who returns to Idaho in 2 weeks

first things first.
got my tooth fixed. yay! it was 120 pesos and she did it super fast and we also got super great service. she explained to me why it was all wrong and beagn to drill and fix it right away. it was super sick. my tooth is doing sooo much better (:
we had consejo this week with elder resek from the area seventy. it was great! he gave us a lot of great insight. we didn´t baptize alot and the whole mission as a whole also did kinda bad and so it was a bummer month and we went to consejo and ate at presidents house. we had tacos and at ice cream.
melissa sent me a great birthday package with sixlets, everything i need for a birthday party and a great new tie (: good package!
i saw elder burns for the last time before he goes back to nampa. he is an ap viajante, which means he goes around the mission visiting companionships who need help and ehlps them baptize. so if i´m lucky, he might get sent to san rafael one more time before he goes back to nampa. you guys should go to his homecoming or something. great guy. two weeks left for him.
the bus ride was crazy long but our seats were right in front of the tv where they played a new movie called the tourist with johnny deppan and it was pretty good. president told us to watch it if it was appropriate. and it was, i believe. it felt kinda weird wathcing it though...i didn´t really enjoy watching a movie. so whatever. melissa wrote me a letter saying i have 96 days left....freaking weird. this month i hit 21 months. WEIRD! just trying to do all i can to get a lot done before i go. anyways (: we had an okay week. the beginning of the month is usually super tranquilo. we are just busting our butts off trying to get people to be more obedient. (elder with sisters and people staying up suuuper late). its super annoying but its pruebas no mas. anyways. i hope you guys have a great week this week and hope that i can write better next time (: love you guys!
elder jay valle